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The Root Causes of Hotel Opening Delays

The Root Causes of Hotel Opening Delays

CREATOR*S believes that a professionally managed pre-opening process with extraordinary attention will almost always lead to a smooth opening and this helps to ensure a successful hotel operation for years to come. I read the other day “Root Causes of New Hotel Opening Delays” which is an excellent article which discusses perfectly the root cause analysis methodology which is utilized to determine the basic underlying reasons that cause hotel opening delay problems.

Our Key Points To Develop Your Hotel Business & Strategy Plan

Our Key Points To Develop Your Hotel Business & Strategy Plan

CREATORS|studio puts on a lot of emphasis and importance on the Hotel Business & Strategy Plan through the creation and refinement of a formal business plan. It is important as It is the owner’s/director’s formal guide to the long-term aims of the business and shorter-term delivery mechanisms. A good business plan should be constantly monitored against actual performance, changing strategic goals and market realities, and refined accordingly.