CREATORS are fully aware that during the Pre-Design Management stages, there is a period in which the project becomes identified as a concept and a project definition and scope are developed. Our knowledge of later project requirements, limitations and options can influence the decision process and provide necessary continuity.
Project elements such as risk assessment, strategic planning, phasing of work and procurement strategies are implemented as the expertise of the Project Manager is called upon to bring together and interface the four basic fundamentals of any project: Need, Cost, Function and Timing.
CREATORS Pre-Design Management Phase services:
- Feasibility Analysis
- Existing facility analysis
- Renovation vs. new construction
- Conceptual scope development
- Phasing studies
- Site evaluation
- Develop Management Plan
- Scope of Work
- Project Team – Internal and Client Coordination
- Budget / cost evaluation
- Master Schedule
- Risk Identification and Analysis
- Project Delivery Methods
- Selection of Consultants
- Government Approval’s Process
- Develop and Review Consultant / Contractor Agreements
Why contact us for more obligation free information on how CREATORS can assist you with your Pre Design Management endeavors + Contact